The Root Connection Harvest of vegetables and herbs

We will follow all Covid 19 mask requirements that may be required.

It’s Claire from your farm, The Root Connection, with good news!

The farm is up and running out here in the beautiful fertile Sammamish Valley. The Covid-19 crisis points out the importance of keeping our local food supply viable!

No doubt Root Connection members reading this have had their lives greatly impacted in various ways by the Covid-19 epidemic and we are all under a lot of stress right now. So perhaps a bit of good news is in order.

Your supply of the best healthiest type of food (veggies of course) is secure, protected against shortages and price increases since the prices of weekly CSA shares are already fixed, and we still have openings for more members, so you won’t get left out! More good news – just $44 per week will save you a bunch of money.

Do you know by buying from a local farm that you cut the number of people handling your food from 8 to upwards of 12 locations?

Our produce is known for its vibrant sweet flavor because of our superior soil which is full of minerals and biological life, free of chemicals. This helps your immune system and makes you want to eat more vegetables as a staple item in your diet.

Safety on the farm is of paramount importance to us. Do you know by buying from a local farm that you cut the number of people handling your food from 8 to upwards of 12 locations? There is the harvesting, packing, washing, re-packing, trucking, storage, trucking to distribution house, trucking to wholesalers, trucking to retailers, storage, sorting, handling by customers. Wow that’s a lot of handling and fossil fuel pollution!

Here at the farm, we pick it, wheelbarrow to wash station, pack into sterilized bins, put on display for members to pick up. That’s it! And of course, there are all those wonderful herbs and greens you can pick with your own hands, and lots of fresh air to walk around in.

Now is the time to sign up for your full or half share!

Folks have understandably been pre-occupied lately so we need to reach out and say Hey! We are already planting seeds, and need to know how many people we will have. Let us know by signing up today for your full or half share today.

Please spread the word to friends or co-workers! Let’s spread the health around!

Hope to hear from you soon,

Claire and crew